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Phototherapy, also known as LILT, soft laser, cold laser or light therapy, can utilise either small LED laser devices or high intensity Super Luminescent Diodes (SLDs).
Although often but incorrectly generically referred to as ‘Laser’, our applicators utilise very high intensity focussed SLD red and blue emitters.
From our own research the Biomag 2 and FFU units both can be set to 1400Hz. This frequency was found to be the most effective frequency for both the stimulation of epithelial sub-dermal cellular proliferation and the reduction of scar tissue.
The Blue Imita has an antibacterial effect that helps reduce infection around open and healing wounds.

Red iMita (as seen above)
The Imita 30 (VR) has 30 high intensity visible red emitters for healing of wounds and scar reduction, but has also proved useful for deeper tendon injuries. The unit has also a single pulsed coil with individual switch control. This allows the option of additional PMF treatment to be offered simultaneously.
30 off red (631nm) emitters.
Nominal Output: 70mW (pulsed)

Blue iMita
The Imita 30 (B) has 30 high intensity blue emitters. It is designed specifically for application to infected wounds due to its antibacterial effect. As with the above applicator, a single field coil is included and can be used simultaneously to the Phototherapy if required.
30 off blue (469nm) emitters.
Nominal Output: 80mW (pulsed)

Both of the above units should be used set to 1400Hz, which has been identified from our research as having the optimum effect.
However, if the pulsed coil is to be used at the same time, settings should be adjusted to a lower frequency of 50 or 200 Hz.
Caution: Do Not Stare Into The Beam!

3 Watt Handheld Applicator
Our new handheld 3 watt applicators are available with either red or blue high power LED's. They are designed to be powered from the Biomag2e or the FFU unit.
It has a 40mm diameter head with 180mm handle, contains 3 x 1 Watt LED's (630nm wavelength for red and 470nm for blue) 120 degrees lens angle)
The LED's used in the new Westville Phototherapy units are rated at three Watts. This value reflects the energy required to operate the LED's and drawn from the Biomag unit under constant maximum output conditions. Some manufacturers may use these maximum values in describing the radiant output value without taking into account heat losses and efficiency. The actual radiant output depends upon many factors mentioned including if pulsed, but is in the order of less than 30% of the rated consumption value. This is still leaves very powerful emitters and precautions to protect the eyes should be observed in both patient and therapist.

The Westville Therapy Pen is available in red or blue. It is small and very handy to carry around and use.
It features a single high-intensity red SLD and is designed to plug directly into either the Biomag 2 or the FFU.
It comes with 2 metres of high quality cable with an XLR plug to fit.
It is 130mm long (excluding the cable) and  14.5mm wide.


Specifications for the red pen.
Light Wavelength 631nm
Power Output 7.6mWatts
Current Consumption 20mA
Dispersion Angle 15 Degrees



Specifications for the blue pen.
Light Wavelenth 469nm
Power Output 4.57mWatts
Current Consumption 30mA
Dispersion Angle 15 Degrees

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